Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Chirstmas Card Book
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day's in Paradise
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sending Sunshine Greetings!
Well on day 3 we decided we would catch some of the sights around the Island. It takes very long to get around this Island, it is actually fairly large. We headed North as far as we could go along the coast line, along the route we watched the landscape change from desert like to lush green tropical vegetation. The road was very curvy and narrow, with lots of one lane bridges. At the end of the road was this beautiful view.
So we decided to keep the road tour going and head inland a bit, after a climb up to 1500 feet elevation, Allyson started acting like she was going to get sick, so we decided we better turn around. We headed back toward our resort and before we could make it home she got VERY SICK! Poor thing, but the very first thing she said after losing her breakfast was - CRACKERS - she was ready to eat?! So we have decided that we will not be able to make it to the volcano or do anymore site seeing, because all the roads are curvy, and I just don't want to risk her getting car sick again. Which I have to say I am not disappointed, bring on the tan time!
Last night we went to a Luau called the Rise of Kings. It was the story of the Polynesian Islands and honoring the Kings of the various islands. It was a great show. We had front row seats! Allys
Yes, I got on the stage with Allyson! She thought it was great to be on stage, but she was more interested in playing with the little baby that was up there! OK, so today, I have a friend that is coming to spend the day with us. She lives here and is bringing her two kids down to spend the day with us. I use to work with her about 16 years ago when I lived in Seattle! She found me on facebook and when she saw we were coming she contacted me! She is a kick in the pants, so should be much fun!
Aloha friends!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or Treat!
We ended the evening at Tom and Peggy's house visiting with them as well as Mary, Tony, Ella and Parks. So here are a few photos from our night!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Lot's to share!
Next, we had my sister and her family with us for a great visit at the end of September. It was so great to reconnect with her and just catch up. I got to meet my new little Niece Alysha and Ally got to play with her cousin Bryce. Allyson still calls for Alysha every day! Thanks Toe for hanging out with us!
I have been all decked out for fall around here for some time, but have a few photo's to share from that.

I used my circut to cut out the letter for the pumpkins in the wheel barrow. I used Prima Flower's cyrstals on the fake pumpkins, and Making Memory sparkle letters on the little pumpkins.
Next on the share is from today. I wanted to get my annual fall photo session at the lake. I almost waited to long. I took these photo's in the Japanese Garden on one of the Islands. Allyson of course was not interested at all and Larry was not thrilled, checking his crackberry every two minutes to see the football scores! But I wanted those photos!! I LOVE the one with Ally in the tree! OK, must sign off for now. Thanks for making it thru this long post!