OK, so I have to say that I am blown away when someone else (other than my loyal family and Sis and Mom In Law) admires my work. Not that there opinion doesn't matter! I have been blog stocking (thanks to Bethie) and one of the sites that I have been introduced to is
Mara. She is an AMAZING scrapper/crafter, and she has awarded me with a Blogger Award! You have to check out Mara's blog and get inspired by her beautiful works and her love of our Mother Earth! Thank you Mara and I look forward to see what you come up with next!
Now, here are the rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Provide links to their blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Here are my nominees, in no particular order!!
Bethie , of course! She is the one who got me started in this whole scrapping/blogging world and she continues to be my biggest inspiration and teacher. She does it all! She creates beautiful pages, alter's just about anything you can glue paper to! She is a wonderful cook and an AMAZING Mother to her kids! So this site is a must!
Shabby Miss Jenn , my favorite Digital scrapping site! I LOVE her style and have more of her kits than I care to admit to! She it a wonderful designer and inspiration for my digital scrapping world! She also has the cutes Blog packs! and freebies now and then that are definately worth downloading!
Pink Paislee Blog , this blog is packed full of wonderful eye candy! The product is beautiful (which I own none of?!) and the ideas are plentyful. This site is a must see!
Katie Watson , I love this gals work! I don't know her, but she is the one who inspired me to do the Cookie Sheet Christmas Countdown. She is on Pink Paislee's design team, 7Gypsies, and Maya Road. She does such BEAUTIFUL work. She does it all, so lots of ideas to pick up on this site!
Tyneal , my SWEET little sister! She is not a scrapper and claims that I stole all the creativity in the family?! But she is a wonderful Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister-in-Law and Sister there is! She has a little boy (my nephew) named Bryce and he is about the cutes little thing you ever saw! So I love this blog to stay in touch with what is going on in her and her family's world! Keep those posts a coming Sis!
OK, must get ready for work, for some reason I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep! I have a feeling I will not be going into work this morning, because I think Allyson is coming down with Pink Eye (I think I already have it!!!) thanks to it going around at the Daycare!!!! So we will see! Have a good day!