Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Trick or Treat!

OK, so finally getting a quick moment to post! I got whatever Allyson got on Halloween, and have not been 100% and have not been around the computer much this week. So my photo's were not that fabulous this year, she was not a willing participant! and we only got to go to one house the neighbor. She looked very cute in her costume made by Grandma Tutu (thanks very much) She was Little Red Riding Hood this year. OK, got to run time to get ready for work, but today is my FRIDAY!!!


BethieJ said...

She looks sooo CUTE Kimmie! (love that basket too!) Sorry she wasnt feeling so well!! :( Hope sweet buggy is better now!!
love to all!

trimultisports said...

Hi Kimmie,

Sorry that you and the Bug were sick. She looks adorable as "Little Red Riding Hood" :)

Love the Thanksgiving tree :)

Love & Hugs!