Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Glasses!

Here is the Bug in her new glasses! She has had them for a little over a week now. She is not a big fan!


Bryan said...

Oh Kimmie she looks so cute in them! Of you found some stylish glasses:) Too cute.

Aunt T. said...

She looks so cute. Like a Minnie me of Her Mom. Aunt Terry

BethieJ said...

Oh she looks so CUTE Kimmie!!! Now Amanda will want glasses since Bug and Justin have them! :)
Hope your weekend is GREAT!
love to all!

Mara Campbell said...

The pink and black together is stunning on this LO!! I hope she gets used to them, she is super cute!!

trimultisports said...

SWEET pictures of Mom and her girl :)
The glasses make her look so grown up - very cute. Pink and Black are your signature colors for sure - beautiful!


BethieJ said...

Hey they look like mine-Justin J