Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bobby's Wedding

Last weekend we attended the wedding of my brother Justin's bestfriend Bobby. I was in Portland at Grey Gables. I had never heard of this place before and as we were driving there I was a bit curious as to what this place was going to look like considering the location we were in. I was this historic home tucked off I a busy Portland street. The wedding was outside in a beautiful setting. Twinkle lights everywhere and the path to the alter was sprinkled with red roses. The Bridal party and Bride had to cross over a little bridge to get to the Alter.

Just a beautiful wedding all around. It was so great to see Justin & Kelsey again. It had been over a year since I saw Justin last. (We got to see Kelsey over Christmas) I do believe that Allyson gave Justin a run for his money though!!! Sorry about the Laptop?!
I almost forgot to mention, I finally found someone that can out dance me! My daughter. She LOVED it I could not keep her off the dance floor! Larry had to take a shift! OK off to get Allyson to Preschool and then enjoy a few hours "Bug Free"

1 comment:

The Simon Family said...

Love all the pictures. Well Ally will fit in with us just fine with the dancing:) Looked like a great time except no pics of you! Love you and miss ya like crazy!
