Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's About Time!

Yes I know once again I have been slacking on my posting! So let me catch you up.

In July we got to take Allyson to her first Mariner game in Seattle. She did so well. She really enjoyed watching all the people and clapping when everyone else did. Let's just say not a lot of clapping going on though? Game was not to exciting, but we had great seats and great sunny weather. After the game we went to dinner in Seattle on Lake Union. We eat at this reasturant called "Joey's" let's just say the average looking person need not apply. All the employees were HOT and PERFECT. The food was so GOOD!


Aunt T. said...

Hey, I bet we were at the same game
July 23. My blog
Aunt T

BethieJ said...

What CUTE photos Kimmie!!! Hmm never been to the restaurant you mentioned.. gonna have to check it out!!
Hope your weekend was GREAT!!
Love to all!!!!